Camper Bios - 2016


SjoerdSjoerd "SjoBer"

Where do you call home?
Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Been to Burning Man before? When?
Never! Ready to pop my birginity

When, where and why did you decide on attending:
This year, a big decision for me. One of the fellow campers (and my best friend) had told me about it. How you never get the Burn you want, but you get the Burn you need. How it is a living, breathing event bigger than yourself. I am thrilled and anxious and eager to do this.

Why Burning Man?
Because it seems to be AMAZING!!
I've been reading up, planning and everything- yet I am fully aware that BM will deliver something quite beyond all expectations!

"Burning Man exists because of you and through you, it would not be there without people doing it, creating it. Yet it is too big and vast to truly comprehend, and goes on without you as well. So in a way, it is a great microcosm for the Universe."
~ someone smarter than me

My life:
English teacher, writer, traveler and adventurer (or so I like to see myself).

My life really started to get weird in a good way when I met the right people (also now Burners). I leaned that you can not only travel across the globe and see and do things most don't seem to think is possible, but you can stretch and create new boundaries in love and your attitude toward life in general as well.

For years I never lived in one place for more than seven months, I'm gradually slowing down- and will be in Amsterdam for at least two years (!). I'm a licensed teacher, currently working three days a week at a local college. Love to write fiction next to that and am hoping to discover more hobbies and ways to play as I am finally rid of a nagging back injury.

Burning Man for me I hope is going to be... you know what, I am leaving this open for now.