Camper Bios - 2022


Anomalous Duo (T&A)Anomalous Duo (T&A)

Hailing from NYC, Tammy and AleXander, queer partners in life and art, are returning to the Playa this year having ridden out the pandemic, vaxxed, masked, boosted, and determined to be part of this joyous return. Another opportunity to Renew our Wows!

On playa, AleXander is Mr. Smartypants during the day and Mr. Fancypants at night. In 2019, Tammy was gifted a playa name at long last: Seven.

This will be Mr. Smartypant’s 14th foray out to BRC and Seven’s 8th.

Mr. Smartypants will be contributing dazzling new art to Center Camp – his ninth time to have conjured new work for this most special of occasions.

You can see the previous works in the “galleries” section at

Seven collaborated on the last four with related short stories, printed in small booklets to share. Look for this year’s iteration near Mr. Smartypant’s work in Center Camp again this year.

The two have participated as Greeters and Lamplighters and volunteered at the Human Carcass Wash in past years. They also host the popular Ethical Sluts’ Meet & Greet, this year to be held on Wednesday.

It’s a long, complicated haul from New York City. Black Rock City remains our other favorite metropolis, with its amazing 70,000+ creative and open souls. The traffic jams here are so much more interesting.